Contact Fatima – New Orleans Psychic Medium & Intuitive Consultant

Offering in-person as well as phone readings / sessions

On location / in-person sessions are available at: On location / in-person sessions are available at:

To schedule a phone session, head over to the "Book Session" page. For on location / in-person appointments at New Orleans location, inquire via form below for details.


15 minutes: $95

45 minutes: $225

30 minutes: $175

Emergency Session Fee: Additional $50

[Any time over the scheduled amount is billed additionally by the minute.]

Please note: Any reschedules/cancellations must be done a minimum of 48 hours in advance of appointment. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation fee equal to session booked. Additionally, your appointment will be canceled if you haven't arrived by 15 minutes past scheduled start time. Please call 214.405.6449 at the time of the scheduled session. Sessions are done by regular or in person, video chat calls are not offered. Any late start not due to me is considered a part of your session time. Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Contact Fatima – New Orleans Psychic Medium & Intuitive Consultant


Offering in-person as well as phone readings / sessions


On location / in-person sessions are available at:

On location / in-person sessions are available at:


To schedule a phone session, head over to the "Book Session" page. For on location / in-person appointments at New Orleans location, inquire via form below for details.


15 minutes: $95

30 minutes: $175

45 minutes: $225

Emergency Session Fee: Additional $50

[Any time over the scheduled amount is billed additionally by the minute.]


Fill out the form below to get in touch...


Please note: Any reschedules/cancellations must be done a minimum of 48 hours in advance of appointment. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation fee equal to session booked. Additionally, your appointment will be canceled if you haven't arrived by 15 minutes past scheduled start time. Please call 214.405.6449 at the time of the scheduled session. Sessions are done by regular or in person, video chat calls are not offered. Any late start not due to me is considered a part of your session time. Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Contact New Orleans Psychic Medium & Intuitive Consultant Fatima Mbodj